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The Galaxy Koi Halfmoon Plakat Betta Betta splendens (also known as Galaxy Candy Koi Betta) are one of the most exotic Bettas and contain flashes of blue, green, red, orange, black and turquoise colors – sometimes all in a single specimen. With shiny spots that appear on the scales throughout their bodies, they appear to the eye as a celestial galaxy in movement. For the aquarium trade, these rare Bettas are bred in captivity.
Bettas have become one of the world’s most popular aquarium fish because they can sustain life in a fluctuation of water parameters. In addition to gills that allow them to breath underwater, they possess a labyrinth organ that allows them to draw oxygen from the air.
In the Osphronemidae family, these are small fish that only grow to about 3”. With an easy care level, they do exhibit territorial aggression and are known fin nippers. Like humans, the Galaxy Koi HMPK Betta prefers a lighted environment during the day. They are at home in smaller well-planted aquariums or ponds (including floating plants) of 5 gallons or more. Water requirements include maintaining temperatures between 75-86° F, 0-25 KH and pH levels between 6.0-8.0.
Galaxy Koi HMPK Bettas can be bred in the home aquarium. For breeding purposes, males and females can be temporarily housed together in a breeding tank. Once the female lays her eggs, she should be removed from the breeding tank. The male will place milt into the water to fertilize eggs then care for the fry inside a bubble nest.
Carnivores, it is important to feed these Bettas quality flake or pellet food, bloodworms, and brine shrimp.
Approximate Shipping Size: 3”
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