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Home > Freshwater Fish > Swordtails > Pineapple Wag Swordtail Group
Pineapple Wag Swordtail Group (Xiphophorus helleri)
Pineapple Wag Swordtail Group
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Pineapple Wag Swordtail Group (Xiphophorus helleri)
Additional locales and sizes may be available!
Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Easy
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Black, Orange, Yellow
Diet Omnivore
Water Conditions 64-82° F, KH 12-30, pH 7.0-8.3
Max. Size 4"
Family Poeciliidae
Minimum Tank Size 20 gallons
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Care Level Easy
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Black, Orange, Yellow
Diet Omnivore
Water Conditions 64-82° F, KH 12-30, pH 7.0-8.3
Max. Size 4"
Family Poeciliidae
Minimum Tank Size 20 gallons
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Pineapple Wag Swordtails make a great addition to your freshwater aquarium. An active fish, they will add immediate visual interest to your water environment. Their yellow bodies and horizontal red stripes above and below the midline mimic the inside and outside colorings of a pineapple, with its yellow flesh and orangey outer cover. With the additional interest of the long straight caudal appendage “swordtail” present in males, this specimen is a striking addition to your freshwater tank.

In their natural environment, Swordtails make their home in rapidly flowing streams and rivers. Because of their active nature, we recommend a tank size of twenty gallons or more with a secured cover.

This stock is an easy choice for both beginners and accomplished owners. With a peaceful temperament, Pineapple Wag Swordtails grow to four inches and are easy to keep with other passive stock. However, male swordtails can get territorial and exhibit some aggression towards one another, so care should be taken to monitor or separate them.

The Pineapple Wag Swordtail is a live-bearing fish. If breeding, use a spawning box or provide dense floating cover to protect the fry from adults.

Pineapple Wag Swordtails are omnivores who like vegetated environments and are at home in freshwater environments. They feed on commercially prepared flaked foods and algae as well as freeze dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1 1/2" to 2”

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