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Diver's Den Corals

LPS Hard Corals

Large Polyp Stony Corals are generally larger calcareous corals with large fleshy polyps. The degree of extension of the tentacles depends upon the amount of light, current, and whether the coral is feeding or not. Most of the LPS hard corals produce long sweeper tentacles which they use to keep any other organisms a safe distance away.
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Large Polyp Stony Corals are generally larger calcareous corals with large fleshy polyps. The degree of extension of the tentacles depends upon the amount of light, current, and whether the coral is feeding or not. Most of the LPS hard corals produce long sweeper tentacles which they use to keep any other organisms a safe distance away.
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Tube Coral, Yellow Tube Coral, Yellow
(Tubastrea sp.)
Starting at $49.99
Ruffled Ridge Coral Ruffled Ridge Coral
(Turbinaria sp.)
Starting at $54.99
Plate Coral "UFO" Plate Coral "UFO"
(Fungia sp.)
Starting at $69.99
Plate Coral, Orange - Short Tentacle Plate Coral, Orange - Short Tentacle
(Fungia sp.)
Starting at $54.99
Brain Coral, Pineapple Brain Coral, Pineapple
(Favia sp.)
Starting at $49.99
Acan Brain Coral Acan Brain Coral
(Acanthastrea echinata)
Starting at $69.99
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