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How to Set Up a Proper Goldfish Aquarium

How to Set Up a Proper Goldfish Aquarium

Goldfish are wonderful first pets for children. Their brilliant color and extremely personable expression and behavior captures the hearts of young aquarists and the young at heart.

Goldfish are the most popular home aquarium fish, but how to properly care for them is not very well understood. Who has not heard stories about parents carefully replacing one goldfish after another and hiding the fact that their cherished "Goldie" is actually "Goldie No. 3?" While the intention may be well meant, this act perpetuates many myths and improper goldfish care.

Should Goldfish be kept in bowls?

Goldfish are commonly kept in very small containers without filtration or heaters. This less-than-ideal living condition is the number one cause of goldfish loss. Goldfish develop at a rapid rate and quickly outgrow these containers. A Goldfish that is a few inches long can get as large as 6 inches or even a foot, depending on the breed. Goldfish require lots of room and a 28-gallon aquarium is about right for one ornamental Goldfish. If you want to keep more than one, you are going to need at least 10 additional gallons per adult fish. Due to their size, Goldfish tend to produce more waste, which in turn affects water quality. Without proper filtration and regular water changes, visible and invisible waste materials build up to create a toxic environment. Combined with fluctuating water temperatures, it is no wonder most Goldfish are replaced frequently and are considered difficult to keep.

How long do Goldfish live?

Goldfish that are properly housed and cared for are extremely long lived. A beautiful Goldfish set up can provide many years of enjoyment and nurture values such as responsibility, compassion, and a lifetime love of pets. Invest in a proper Goldfish aquarium setup for your child's future.

A proper setup should consider the mature size of the Goldfish and provide ample swimming room. Good filtration and a heater are necessary to maintain stable water temperature as well as healthy and clean aquarium water. Other basic essentials include a thermometer, a test kit, and a water conditioner. We've compiled a list of essential aquarium equipment for a 29-gallon goldfish aquarium. All you need to supply is the aquarium, decorations, and the creativity to create a successful Goldfish haven.

What equipment do I need for a starter Goldfish aquarium?

28-30 Gallon Aquarium with lid – This size of aquarium for one Goldfish allows room for the fish to swim freely and reduce stress that can occur due to overcrowding.

Water Filtration System and filter – Biological filtration eliminates ammonia and nitrite from the water and is necessary for Goldfish health

LED lighting – LED lighting helps illuminate the coloration in Goldfish for viewing pleasure

API Stress Coat® Plus - Multipurpose water conditioner instantly removes chlorine and neutralizes heavy metals. Also replaces the natural slime coating fish need in times of stress.

Coralife Digital Thermometer - Compact digital aquarium thermometer with easy-to-read LCD. Accurately displays aquarium water temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius.

Heater - Quality submersible heaters with patented heating element and special shatterproof glass are good choices.

Seachem Ammonia Alert Device - Innovative color coded monitoring device for continuous detection of toxic ammonia.

Hikari Oranda Gold Mini Pellet Food - Premium goldfish food with natural color enhancers. Great daily diet for your goldfish that also reduces fading color.

Water Conditioners – Help amend the water to achieve proper levels required for Goldfish

Ornamental or Fancy Goldfish Quick Stats
  • Origin :Though originally from China, these beautiful fish gained international popularity. Now different varieties are bred world-wide.
  • Minimum Tank Size :29 gallons
  • Care Level :Easy
  • Tank Requirements :65-75°F; pH 6.5-7.5; KH 4-20
  • Maximum fish size : 6+" depending on variety
  • Color Form :Varied
  • Temperament : Peaceful
  • Diet :Omnivore
  • Family : Cyprinidae

Question :

Can I keep different breeds of goldfish in the same aquarium?

Anwser :

Housing different breeds of goldfish is fine. However, it is best to separate goldfish with different swimming habits. Active goldfish such as Shubunkins or Comets can stress slower swimming Fancy (ornamental) or vision-impaired varieties.

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