Freshwater Aquariums: How to Set Up
Is it beneficial to have an aquarium at home?
Adding an aquarium to your home is the perfect way to bring beautiful color and life to your surroundings. Observing and interacting with your aquatic pets can help lower your blood pressure and reduce the stress of everyday life. How do you get started on a freshwater aquarium?
If you would like to add a freshwater aquarium to your home, but aren't sure how to get started, the following component list and step-by-step guide will help you on your way to creating a beautiful attraction like the 55-gallon aquarium setup pictured here. As you will see, adding an aquarium to your home is easy to do and well worth the years of enjoyment you will experience. What do you need to start off your freshwater aquarium?
Step One: Set up aquarium and stand
Place aquarium out of direct sunlight, allowing at least 5" clearance for the filter.
Step Two: Add gravel and water
Use a plate when adding water to prevent gravel displacement.
Step Three: Install filter and heater
Install equipment, but do not plug anything in yet.
Step Four: Decorate
Add decorations but leave plenty of swimming room for fish.
Step Five: Add Fish!
Add about 10" of fish initially to establish the nitrogen cycle.
What are the best fish for a freshwater aquarium?
In general, a 55-gallon aquarium can house up to 55" of fish (adult sizes). We recommend the following: