Ideal additions to any saltwater aquarium,
Wrasses within the genus Cirrhilabrus, such as the Velvet Multicolor Wrasse, Red Velvet Wrasse, Pink Margin Wrasse, and Exquisite Wrasse, are extremely well-suited to saltwater fish and reef aquariums for many reasons:
- Most species available for aquarists thrive in relatively shallower water and adapt readily to the home aquarium. In nature, most Cirrhilabrus wrasse live in the shallow waters of the margins surrounding coral reefs, and therefore quickly feel at home in your reef aquarium.
- They do not harm corals or invertebrates. Cirrhilabrus wrasses are planktivores, feeding exclusively upon the plentiful plankton harbored by reefs.
- They are peaceful in nature, and will coexist happily with other species within the genus Cirrhilabrus - especially when added simultaneously. If you wish to add Cirrhilabrus wrasse to an aquarium that contains another established Cirrhilabrus wrasse, simply divide it temporarily until the fish coexist with no hostility.
- They add a diversity of color and activity to the aquarium. These active, bold fish spend their time cruising open water and occasionally slide through rockwork in search of food.
If you add a wrasse from the genus Cirrhilabrus to your aquarium, you are most likely adding a male, since males are predominantly collected over juveniles and females (which are virtually identical in appearance, and therefore difficult for collectors to identify).
Be sure to consider the wide selection of species available within the wonderful genus Cirrhilabrus when selecting the next fish for your reef or saltwater fish aquarium.
Interesting Facts: |
Size: |
From 3 to 6 inches |
Diet: |
Carnivorous. |
Tank Setup: |
Marine. A large amount of live rocks with caves for exploring. They also require areas of open swimming. |
Tank Conditions: |
sg. 1.020-1.025; 72-78°F; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12 |
Min. Tank Capacity: |
50-90 gallons. |
Temperament: |
Peaceful - Semi-aggressive. |
Swimming Level: |
Middle. |
Care Level: |
Easy to Moderate. |
 Velvet Multicolor Fairy Wrasse |
 Red Velvet Fairy Wrasse |
 Exquisite Fairy Wrasse |
 Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse |
