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Introduction to Red Mangroves

Introduction to Red Mangroves

What are Red Mangroves?

Mangroves are aquatic trees or shrubs that grow in the coastal waters of the world's tropical oceans. These "rainforests by the sea" prevent erosion and house a diverse population of indigenous animals. Red Mangroves (Rhizophora mangle), characterized by their spider-like "prop roots" that stand out of the water, are very popular among aquarists for several reasons.

How do you plant Red Mangroves in aquariums?

Red Mangroves arrive as 6"-8" long candlelike tubers, which quickly take root in sand or mud. They’re also perfectly happy growing in gravel, , or water with no substrate at all. Just make sure that leaves are above the water, and the root system stays moist.

What are the required tank conditions for Red Mangroves?

Red Mangroves can thrive in fresh, brackish, or full seawater (although they cannot be moved freely between water of varying salinity). This adaptability is possible because the plant conserves fresh water by excreting salt through its leaves.

Temperature and lighting required for Red Mangroves

Red Mangroves thrive under metal halide lighting, fluorescent lighting, or even placement next to a large, bright window. They also require temperatures above 60°F (which is typical of most indoor home aquariums). Red Mangroves may even be planted in outdoor ponds, provided they are not exposed to near freezing temperatures.

Quick Stats:
  • Family :Rhizophoraceae.
  • Origin :Intertidal Waters of Tropical Oceans.
  • Tank Setup :Brackish to full Seawater. Sand or mud substrate. Leaves must be above water.
  • Tank Conditions :72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; KH 8-12
  • Care Level :Easy.
  • Reproduction :Seeds or a Propagule.
  • Tips :
    • Keep aquarium water at 72-78°F, with a pH of 8.1-8.4, and dKH of 8-12.
    • Remove fallen leaves before they can decay and raise nutrient levels.
    • Red Mangroves can grow substantial root systems and become very tall. Choose a large aquarium or pot to prevent stress from frequent replanting.
    • Trim the plant's growth tip to prevent excessive height and avoid aquariums with tops or canopies.
    • Mist Mangroves with purified water or wipe excess salt from the leaves with water daily.
    • Regularly add trace elements and an iron supplement
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